Maîtresse de conférences (ILCEA4)
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Bâtiment : La Merci Jean Roget
Bureau : Bureau salle 05
Thèmes de recherche
Corpus Linguistics
Specialised translation
Disciplines scientifiques
English Studies (CNU 11)
MA level: Specialized translation, Ecolinguistics, English for Medicine, English for Biotechnology, English for Research.
BA level: English for Biotechnology, English for Health, Preparation for English level certifications.
Curriculum vitae
Since 2012: Associate Professor in specialized English in Grenoble Alpes University (UGA).
2011-2012: Teaching and research assistant in specialized English in Grenoble Alpes University (UGA).
2007-2011: Teaching assistant in specialized English in “École Normale Supérieure de Cachan” (today ENS Paris Saclay).
2005-2006: Teaching assistant for French Language in the University of Sydney.
2011, Phd in English studies entitled « Contribution à l’étude du discours environnemental : les organisations et leurs discours au Royaume-Uni », supervised by Professor Michel Petit in Bordeaux University.
2008, Master 2 « Langues Lettres Civilisations Étrangères en Anglais », completed in Paris Est Créteil University and the « École Normale Supérieure de Cachan ».
2007, obtention of the agrégation in English Studies.
Main recent publications
Talbot, A., Biros, C., & Rossi, C. (2022). Pour une traductologie de corpus exploratoire : méthodologie d’analyse d’un corpus de rapports du GIEC et de leurs traductions. Meta : Journal Des Traducteurs, 67(1), 119–142. DOI.
Biros, C., & Fries, M.-H. (2021). L’évaluation des compétences langagières à travers le prisme des genres spécialisés en anglais de spécialité. ASp - La Revue Du GERAS, 79, 49–74.
Biros, C., Rossi, C., & Talbot, A. (2020). Translating the International Panel on climate change reports: standardisation of terminology in synthesis reports from 1990 to 2014. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 1–14.
Biros, C., & Peynaud, C. (2019). Disseminating Climate Change Knowledge – Representation of the International Panel on Climate Change in three types of specialized discourse. Lingue e Linguaggio.
Biros, C., Rossi, C., & Sahakyan, I. (2018). Discourse on climate and energy justice: a comparative study of Do It Yourself and Bootstrapped corpora. Corpus, 18.
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