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Re/membering Place

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This book is a collection of essays from the conference «Re/membering Place», held at Stendhal University from 13 to 15 October 2011.

It explores the issue of «Re/membering Place» in a colonial and postcolonial context of displacement, loss, and alienation. The authors consider «re/membering» as a process of reconstruction which entails the recreation of memory, be it individual or collective, the re-appropriation of the past and of collective myths, the reshaping of identity, and their representation in literature and the arts. They tackle various forms of story-telling in fiction, autobiography, the travel narrative, the memoir, historiography as well as cinema. Further, they analyse how memory and personal testimonies serve to fill in the blanks of historical discourse, to give voice to a forgotten community, revisit historiography and question the canon of Western culture. Through the exploration of richly diverse geographies and cultures throughout the world, from the Indian subcontinent to the Atlantic landscapes of Canada and the Caribbean, and the open spaces of Africa and Australia, this collection of essays introduces the reader to the crucial identity issues and problems raised in narratives today.
Contents: John Thieme: After the Bounty: Botany and Botanical Tropes in Caribbean Writing – Nathalie Martinière: Coming Home in David Dabydeen’s Disappearance – Christine Lorre-Johnston: Remembering and Forgetting: Imagining Home in Alice Munro’s The View from Castle Rock – Anne-Florence Quaireau: Dislocation, Remembering, Reforming in Anna Jameson’s Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada (1838) – Anne LeGuellec-Minel: Re-membering the Past: Phallic Agency Reclaimed in Kim Scott’s Benang – Jocelyn Martin: Re/membering Nation and Identity in Merlinda Bobis’ «Fish-Hair Woman» – Catherine Pesso-Miquel: Remembering Biafra: Aesthetics and Politics of Secession in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun – Birgit Neumann: «The Sea is History»: Transcultural Remembrance of the Black Atlantic – Sheila Collingwood-Whittick: Disremembering the Colonial Past, Appropriating Indigenous Attachment to Place: Problems of Memory and Identity in Settler Australia – Christine Vandamme: The Empire Harks Back: Memorial and Cultural Dis-Placement as Ethical Gesture in David Malouf’s The Conversations at Curlow Creek – Elodie Raimbault: Kipling’s Anglo-Indians and the Displacement of Englishness: What should they Know of England who Only India Know? – Suhasini Vincent: Intertwining Hi(stories) and East/West Displacement in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss – Biljana Djoric-Francuski: The Westernized East Meets the Easternized West in Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s Three Continents – Chitra Krishnan: The India of Cabbages and Kings: a Panoramic View of the Image of India in the Literatures of Displacement – Claire Omhovère: The Memory of Landscape: Canadian Explorations on Site – Gilles Teulié: Collective Memory & National Identity in South Africa: Re-Membering King Shaka & the Zulu Military Past – Robert Kusek: Africa in the Guise. (Mis/Re)placement in The Master of Petersburg by J.M. Coetzee – Vera Benczik: Re/membering Now: The doubling of Space in Post-Apocalyptic Dystopian Narratives.

Sous la direction de Catherine Delmas, André Dodeman.

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Auteur(s) : 

Catherine Delmas, Andre Dodeman

Date de publication :

Informations complémentaires

Broché : 343 pages
Langue : anglais
Dimensions du produit : 1,9 x 15,9 x 22,2 cm


Publié le 11 juillet 2018

Mis à jour le 15 février 2024