Maîtresse de conférences (ILCEA4)
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Bâtiment : Marguerite Soubeyran
Bureau : 206
C302, bâtiment Stendhal, Grenoble
Thèmes de recherche
British Politics
Digital Humanities
Disciplines scientifiques
British 'civilisation'
- Digital Humanities
2022-23 Introduction to Voyant Tool and Tableau Desktop for research in the humanities, Doctoral School, Grenoble Alpes University (UGA), France.
2021- Introduction to the Digital Humanities for professional purposes, 18 h/y/sem, Master’s students, Grenoble Alpes University (UGA), France.
February 2018 : Seminar of introduction to the Digital Humanities in Research, 5 hours, Phd students, Ecole des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques, Casa de Velazquez, Madrid.
2016-2021 : Introduction to the Digital Humanities in Research, 12 h/y/sem, Master’s students, Grenoble Alpes University (UGA), France.
- Civilisation
2010- : Advanced class on British Empire and Commonwealth, 12h/y/lect+ 12 h/y/sem, Bach. 3d year students, UGA
2008-2011 : Intermediate class on American Civilisation, 12h/y/sem, Bach. 2nd year students, UGA
2001-2004 : Introduction to British Civilisation, 12h/y/lect+ 12h/y/sem, Bach. 1st year students, University of the French West Indies, France.
2001-2004 : Advanced British Civilisation, 12h/y/lect+ 12h/y/sem, Bach. 3d year students, University of the French West Indies, France.
- Translation
2010- : Intermediate French to English translation, 24h/y/sem, Bach. 2nd year students, UGA
2016-2019 : Intermediate Fr to Eng/ Eng to Fr translation for tourism, 24h/y/sem, Bach. 2nd year students, UGA
2014- : Advanced French to English translation, 24h/y/sem, Bach. 3d year students, UGA
- English
2009-: Intermediate English Grammar, 12h/y/lect+ 12h/y/sem, Bach. 1st year students, UGA
2009-2011 : Advanced English practice, 24h/y/sem, Bach. 3d year students, UGA
2004-2005 : Intermediate English practice, 24h/y/sem, Bach. 2nd year students, UGA
- Other
2016-2019 : French Gastronomy in South Eastern France, 18h/y/sem, Valence Institute of Technology
Curriculum vitae
—— Research Projects and Funding ——
· 2023-24: Grant from UGA’s IRGA programme for E-Petitions UK Project (PI).
· 2019: Grant from the Data Institute at UGA for collaboration with MIDAS (Michigan Institute for Data Science)
· 2018: Funding from Drome Ardeche Development Agency (ADUDA) and Rhone Alpes Region (ARC6) to help finance a THATCAMP in Valence.
· 2017: Grant from UGA Démarre SHS for attending GATE training course at University of Sheffield.
· 2016: Grant from Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training Programme for Oxford Digital Humanities’ Summer school
· Fundings awarded to exploratory projects by the CNRS (French National Council of Science Research). Multidisciplinary teams made up of specialists of computer sciences and British politics:
· 2017: Multipoint (Multimodal Platform for e-social science analytics : application to political sciences)
· 2014: POLIWEB (Online Political Communication of British and French candidates to the 2014 elections to the European Parliament), Principal Investigator
—— Appointments ——
· 2022- : Member of the board and deputy treasurer of Humanistica, the world association of French-speaking Digital Humanities
· 2021- : Co-director Politics, Discourse & Innovation research group, ILCEA4 Lab, UGA
· 2021- Member of the scientific Committee for the development of the strategic partnership between UGA and McMaster University, Canada.
· 2021- : Member of the committee of Humanistica (Main Committee + Awards’ Committee + Development of Digital Humanities research and teaching in the French-speaking world Committee)
· 2021- : Member of the Awards committee of ADHO (World Alliance of Digital Humanities’ Organizations)
· 2019- : Referent for digital methods in teaching for the UGA language department
· 2019-2020 : Assistant to the Valence Grenoble Alpes University Vice-President and to the director of the Drome-Ardeche CMQ, in charge of Digital Humanities’ projects
· 2014-2015 : Coordinator of international programs to English speaking countries for applied languages’ courses.
· 2011-2014 : Co-director of the applied languages’ English department.
—— Publications (Peer-Reviewed) ——
· 2023, Castel G, “E-petitions to the UK Parliament from 2011 to 2019: Volume, Dynamics and Contents of Responses“, Leaves, n°16.
· 2022, Castel G, Review of “Electrified Democracy”, Blick A., Cambridge University Press, 2021 in Journal of British Studies, Vol. 61, 3.
· 2022, Castel G, “Disinformation, Manipulation & Demobilisation at the 2019 UK General election. No light in the gloom?”, in Craig C., Fongaro E., Milasi L., Tink J., Yonaoshi : visions of a better world, Mimesis International.
· 2021, Castel G, “Digital Politics and Mobilisation in the UK : the Elusive Silver Bullet”, in Benedetti G., Molinari V., Re-mobilizing Voters in Britain and the United States: Political Strategies from Parties and Grassroots Organizations 1867-2017, De Gruyter.
· 2020, Castel G., Rossi C. (Editors), “Les humanités numériques dans une perspective internationale : opportunités, défis, outils et méthodes”, Revue de l’ILCEA4, n°39.
· 2020, Castel G., Vargas Solar G., Espinosa-Oviedo J., “Analyzing Digital Politics : Challenges and Experiments in a Dual Perspective.”, Open Journal in Information Systems’ Engineering, n°3, Vol.1.
· 2020, Castel G., “Une introduction aux bots Twitter avec Tracery”, Programming Historian, Translation of S. Graham, “An Introduction to Twitter Bots with Tracery”, Programming Historian, 2017.
· 2019, Castel G., « Humanités numériques et études anglophones ; comprendre et explorer », Miranda, n°19.
· 2018, Castel G., « Stratégies politiques et migration numérique : opportunités, défis et méthodes », in K. Rivière de Franco, Stratégies politiques et représentations médiatiques dans les sociétés européennes contemporaines, Corsaire Editions.
· 2016, J.A. Espinosa-Oviedo, G. Vargas-Solar, V. Alexandrov, G. Castel “Comparing Electoral Campaigns by Analysing Online Data”, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier
· 2014, Castel G., “David Cameron and the Web : The Parallel Evolution of Two Newcomers in the Run-up to the 2010 Election”, LISA, Vol XII, n°8.
· 2013, Castel G., “Stories – History – Histories : Impact of Historical Constructions on the British Labour Party”, Representations.
· 2013, Castel G., “The Evolution of UK Parties in the Web 2.0 and Post-Spin Era”, in E. Avril et C. Zumello (Dirs), In Search of Organisational Democracy : Convergence and Divergence in Models of Economic and Political Governance. Palgrave
· 2010, Castel G., “From Spin to Spam : Promises and Limits of Web 2.0 Campaigning in Britain", Observatoire de la Société Britannique, n°9, Université du sud.
—— Publications (Not Peer-Reviewed) ——
· 2021, Philippe Dessus, Géraldine Castel, “Immediate Response Systems for Teaching”, ESPE.
· 2021, Philippe Dessus, Géraldine Castel, « Resources for Interactive Teaching », ESPE.
- Papers -
· June 2023, « Pétitions en ligne et gouvernements conservateurs (2015-2022) : Tendances, similitudes et contrastes », Le Royaume-Uni de Boris Johnson à Rishi Sunak : Crises en série, CRECIB/Babel, Toulon University, France.
· April 2023, « Sélection, conservation et exploitation des données à l’ère numérique : séisme ou retour aux fondamentaux ? », Recording Project Seminar, LUHCIE, Grenoble Alpes University, France.
· June 2022, “Navigating the meanders of digital politics in the name of science: the example of online petitions to the UK’s parliament”, Digital Tools in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Research Roundtable, McMaster University, Canada.
· March 2021, “What Nuggets of Hope for Yonaoshi in Digital Politics? A British Case Study.” Hasekura International Japanese Studies Symposium, Tohoku University/Spienza University of Rome (Online).
· February 2020, Co-organiser (With GRESEC/PACTE UGA labs) of the day seminar “Data mining for Social Sciences and humanities”, Grenoble Alpes University, France.
· January 2020, “The 2017 UK General Election Online: the Rise of the Organic Campaign?”, Center for Political Studies Talks, University of Michigan, USA.
· November 2019, « Nourriture et boissons en Ecosse : Paysage numérique et paradoxes », International conference of the French Society for Scottish studies (SFEE), Grenoble-Alpes University, France.
· February 2019, “Digital Politics in the UK Twenty Years On : What impact on Engagement and Mobilisation”, A la (re-)conquête des électorats : stratégies et pratiques dans le monde anglophone 1867-2017, ILCEA4, Grenoble-Alpes University, France.
· June 2018, Organiser of the two-day UGAinValence THATCamp, Grenoble-Alpes University, France.
· May 2017, « Stratégies politiques et migration numérique : opportunités, défis et méthodes », Stratégies politiques et représentations médiatiques dans les sociétés européennes de 1945 à nos jours, POLEN/REMELICE, Orléans University, France.
· March 2017, “Digital Politics : Research El Dorado or Hazardous Frontier ?”, Digitorium Digital Humanities Conference, University of Alabama, USA.
· June 2015, “Studying Online Political Campaigns or the Exploration of Transient Continents”, Web Archive as Scholarly Sources, RESAW, Aarhus University, Denmark.
· February 2015 “POLIWEB2014 : Européennes, Campagne et Internet”, International Congress of French-speaking Political Science Associations (COSPOF), Lausanne University, Switzerland.
· December 2014, Co-organiser of the conference “Big Humanities : Big Data, Sciences humaines, Sciences sociales”, Stendhal University, France.
· December 2010 “Web 2.0 Communication in the Post-Spin Era : Party Saviour or Gravedigger ?” Les organisations en changement : Vers de nouvelles pratiques de gouvernance économique et politique au sein des organisations du monde anglophone, CREW, Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris III, France.
· October 2009 “From Spin to Spam : Promises and Limits of Web 2.0 Campaigning in Britain”, La Grande-Bretagne de l’Après-Blair : crises et renouveau, LERMA, Provence University, France.
· May 2008 “Reconstructions et vérités multiples : exemples issus de l’histoire du travaillisme britannique”, National Congress of the SAES (Higher Education Society for English Studies), Orléans University, France.
· June 2007 “A Decade of New Labour : The People’s Verdict”, National Congress of the SAES (Higher Education Society for English Studies), Avignon University, France.
· July 2006 ”Collective Memory and the British Labour Party”, Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Association of Cultural Studies, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
· October 2005 « Tony Blair et la tradition travailliste », Conference : La Grande-Bretagne entre modèle américain et social libéralisme. Territoire et Identité dans le Domaine Européen, UMR 6588/CNRS, Michel de Montaigne University, Bordeaux III, France.
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